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    Tuesday, September 24, 2002

    For Immediate Release:

    Sent via e-mail and facsimile to our Commentary and News Release List™.
    Contact Robert Colaco at (818)757-1776.

    Robert Colaco, the Volunteer National Chairman and Founder of Citizens For A Better America ® with the acronym of CFABA.ORG will hold a News Conference in Santa Barbara, California. "I will be outlining how the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is stealing money from its customers," said Colaco.

    "If you enter the word 'steal' in the online dictionary of Mirriam-Webster located at http://www.m-w.com/ it says the following:

    1 : to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as an habitual or regular practice

    2 : to come or go secretly, unobtrusively, gradually, or unexpectedly. It also says:

    b : to take away by force or unjust means," said Colaco.

    "First, 'to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as an habitual or regular practice,' is stealing. The California Department of Motor Vehicles has been penalizing those with California registered vehicles when they send in their registration on time, by mail, in specific situations. They are penalized when they have done nothing wrong, this is stealing," said Colaco. Within the last couple of years they have done the same thing over and over again, yet when I confronted the upper management of the DMV, specifically the Public Relations Department, they have continued the practice and collected Moines they are not owed as 'an habitual or regular practice' which they 'take away by force or unjust means'. This is a continuing and ongoing practice of the California DMV and I want it to stop," said Robert Colaco.

    "California Governor Gray Davis has spent millions of dollars in campaign contributions to attack his Republican Party opponent, Bill Simon about his 'fraud' in business," said Colaco. "I just want to state for the record that while Citizens For A Better America ® is a political committee and can make endorsements it has not endorsed any of the candidates for the Office of Governor of California, for this election," said Colaco. "What disappoints me most is that Gray Davis accuses others of fraud and mismanagement while his own Department of Motor Vehicles, with the director he appointed in 1999, continues to defraud the public, the very public whom he, as governor, has taken an oath to protect," said Colaco. Governor Gray Davis ends his television commercials with the statement about himself "values we share." With all due respect Governor Davis, stealing is not a value that we share," said Colaco.

    "I am very encouraged that there are some California Newspapers that have honestly told the story about how Governor Gray Davis has sold his signature for campaign contributions," said Colaco. "One such article which really did a good job telling the story is entitled "Mother's milk of politics may be turning sour for fund-raiser Davis," written by Dan Walters, a Sacramento Bee columnist. [http://www.sacbee.com/content/politics/story/4528625p-5548114c.html] He writes, "'Money is,' as the late Jesse Unruh famously observed, 'the mother's milk of politics.' And no one in contemporary California politics suckles more successfully than Gray Davis." "I would encourage all Californians who will be voting on November 5th, to read this article," said Colaco.

    "It is a sad day in the history of California and the United States of America when the Governor of the most populous state in the United States of America can commit this kind of corruption and seemingly get away with it. What I have decided is tha t I am not going to let him do this through the DMV without standing up and publicly opposing it," said Robert Colaco the Volunteer National Chairman and Founder of Citizens For A Better America ®.

    "In 1992-1993 we had members of the California Legislature who were sent to jail for this kind of behavior, that was an embarrassment and an outrage for California voters. After founding Citizens For A Better America ® on October 15, 1992 we endor sed a Democrat for the State Assembly of California. He was a candidate running against the then Republican member of the Assembly. That Republican member would go to jail for this kind of fraud; there needs to be a full investigation into these al legations and as to how deep they run in our California government," said Colaco.

    "I will be calling on the California State Assembly, the entire eighty (80) members, whether they are the 29 Republicans or the 51 Democrats and the entire forty (40) member California State Senate, whether they are Republicans or Democrats to invest igate with all the enthusiasm and determination available to them, the actions of their Governor Gray Davis, and to investigate this before the November 5, 2002 elections," said Colaco. Every day that goes by more and more California vehicle owners are stolen from by this behavior of the DMV, this practice must stop, these elected officials must not allow the Governor of California to bring our entire state into total and complete disrepute," said Colaco.

    "I will be delivering to those at the News Conference documents about how the California DMV is stealing the money of California Citizens," said Colaco. I would certainly challenge the News Media especially those in Santa Barbara, California to come , hear and see how the DMV under of leadership of Governor Gray Davis is fleecing those with registered vehicles in the state of California.

    WHEN: Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 11:11 AM

    WHERE: Outside the Santa Barbara, California DMV office

    located at 535 Castillo St., Santa Barbara, CA 93101

    If you can attend please click on the following link for a map to the location as well as driving directions from where you are to the location.

    Map to location
    [http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?Pyt=Tmap&addr=535+Castillo+St.&csz= Santa+Barbara,+CA+93101&Get+Map=Get+Map]


    If you would like to be removed from our Commentary and News Release List™, please let us know in writing, send an e-mail to RemoveMe@CFABA.org. If you use this story we would appreciate you sending us a copy. Or, if you would like to receive Releases instantaneously send an e-mail to AddMe@CFABA.org! Thank you!

    © copyright 2002 Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.org)

    Publisher of the Have You Been Lied To? ™ Flyer

    Robert Colaco, National Chairman, Founder.

    F.E.C. ID #C00278333

    | Copyright ©1992-2011 Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG) | Citizens For A Better America (R) is a Registered Trademark. All Rights Reserved   |
    | Paid for and authorized by Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG) | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee |
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    Last Update: 11/06/2012