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For candidate information see our
“GOOD GUYS LIST”™, MI - Special Election June 5, 2001


(CFABA.ORG) announces its

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For Immediate Release: Sent via e-mail to our Commentary and News Release List ™.
Contact Robert Colaco at (818)757-1776.

Saturday, May 26, 2001

(CFABA.ORG) announces its "GOOD GUYS LIST" ™.

Nationally recognized Citizens For A Better America ™ announces endorsement for the June 05, 2001 Michigan Special Elections.

MI - Robert W. Mendham, Candidate for the Michigan House of Representative District 86, is receiving our endorsement for the June 05, 2001 special election. Click on the following link for contact information for this candidate: http://www.GoodGuysList.org/gg00031.htm

Citizens For A Better America ®, has three levels of involvement which the candidate can pick between. Mr. Mendham has chosen to participate in our Basic Endorsement Program ™.


Citizens For A Better America ®, attempted to contact by telephone the six (6) Republican Candidates and the one (1) Democrat Candidate running for this race. Five (5) candidates gave us their e-mail addresses. One candidate responded by writing us and telling us he will not respond to our Candidate Questionnaire. One candidate, Robert W. Mendham, completed and returned our Candidate Questionnaire. Which we evaluated for the potential of endorsement.


Citizens For A Better America ® has a tough endorsement evaluation process. If you visit our Internet Website at http://www.GoodGuysList.org you will see that it is a challenge to find morality and values based candidates we can endorse who are Pro America first, Pro traditional family, Pro life, Pro 2nd Amendment, Pro USA sovereignty, Pro constitutional candidates from the very lowest to the very highest positions all over the United States of America.

Not everyone who completes a candidate questionnaire qualifies for the next step in the endorsement process.

"We recognize that in this day of a massive sell out of our Nation's sovereignty and the interests of the American people by so many, it is a rare privilege to be able to endorse the above candidate(s) for public office and to proudly put them on Citizens For A Better America's, "Good Guys List" ™," said Robert Colaco, National Chairman of Citizens For A Better America ™.

"Why have these individual(s) been qualified to appear on your "Good Guys List" ™?", asked one radio show host of Robert Colaco. "We ask very hard hitting written questions that test not only a candidate's political positions but also their knowledge of the political process. Our goal is to discover their core beliefs, and we believe our questions do that. If they pass the questionnaire, we then ask them to fill out our Background Check Form ™. They are also asked to sign off that we can say the things that we have said about them in this News Release announcing our endorsement of their candidacy. They sign all three documents under the penalties of perjury. Only after all this do we consider them to be endorsable by us," said Colaco.

Mr. Colaco went on to say, "Let me give you an example - a candidate said to me. 'I was just answering all the questions and checking off the questions, then I got to question #18 and I really had to think. I had to go back and review each of my answers, this questionnaire really gets to the heart of things, of what was I willing to compromise on.'"

"In addition we ask the candidates to sign, 'Under penalties of perjury," said Colaco. Regarding the penalty of perjury line our Honorary National Chairman Congressman Bill Dannemeyer said, "You sure haven't left them any wiggle room have you Robert?". "I said that was my goal Bill, and he said you have accomplished it," said Colaco.

"It is a rare and special candidate that qualifies for our endorsement. So, we proudly give our endorsement to each candidate on our "Good Guys List" ™. If you can vote we enthusiastically encourage you to vote for them. In addition we want to encourage you to do all you can do to get these men and women elected to the offices they are running for," said Colaco.

"We at Citizens For A Better America ® are thrilled to announce the endorsement of Robert W. Mendham in the great state of Michigan. While the Michigan State Senate is expelling one of their own and U.S. Senator Jim Jeffords is quitting as a Republican Senator giving the Democrats control over the U.S. Senate," said Colaco. "It is with great enthusiasm that we can encourage the people in Michigan to vote for Robert W. Mendham he is a candidate the people can count to be a man of morality and values and one who will not change in his core beliefs not even to gain more political power or influence. He will be a great asset as a legislator, we encourage you to vote for him as well as help him get elected," said Colaco.


"We as an organization have been criticized for being too picky. This criticism has come mostly from candidates that do not receive our endorsement. We have seen however how critical it is in these last couple of days to continually be vigilant to find statesmen and women that we as a nation truly can count on both personally and politically," said Colaco.

Michigan is reeling for its own morality issues. In an 05/24/01 Associated Press article entitled, "Senate votes to expel Sen. David Jaye," By Kathy Barks Hoffman she states: "The state Senate voted Thursday to expel Sen. David Jaye, capping a turbulent six weeks that began with accusations Jaye had struck his fiancee and ended with his insistence he was being railroaded for his unpopular political views. At least 26 votes in the 38-member Senate were needed to force out Jaye, who became the first Michigan senator ever expelled. The resolution to remove him passed 33-2."

"Cases like this are just one reason we have an extensive background questionnaire. Folks have lost confidence in their elected officials and we want to help restore that confidence," Colaco said.

The Nation is its self reeling from this new grab for power in the U.S. Senate.

A Time.Com article published on May 24 entitled: "The Jeffords Defection: The Domino Effect" by Jessica Reaves tells us: "A moderate with a reputation for standing apart from an increasingly conservative Republican power structure, Jeffords has long defined himself as a renegade. He was the sole Republican opponent of President Reagan's 1981 tax cut, and defied party lines by voting against Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. Jeffords also opposed the impeachment of President Clinton, a decision he has characterized as personally excruciating but ultimately right."

Colaco said, "It is clear that Jeffords had many chances in the past to change parties but none offered the type of opportunity for power that existed at this time. It is clear to most of the general public that this was not about principals but about power and influence, just the thing that makes most of the general public disgusted with voting these days. That is why we have such a tough candidate questionnaire and endorsement process. Our goal is to get to the candidates core belief and to what they will and will not compromise on."

Citizens For A Better America ® is a national, grassroots, nonconnected, independent, political committee established on October 15, 1992 whose focus is to elect morality and values based candidates from the very lowest to the very highest political positions all over the U.S.A. It is not controlled or authorized by any candidate or their committee(s). All expenses are paid for by Citizens For A Better America ®.


If you use this story we would appreciate you sending us a copy. Thank you!

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Publisher of the "HAVE YOU BEEN LIED TO?" ™ flyer.
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© Copyright, 1992-2001. All Rights Reserved. Citizens For A Better America ®. This has been authorized, paid for and published by Citizens For A Better America ™. This is not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. ™ = Trademark. EN010526.TXT All Trademarks are the property of Citizens For A Better America ™ or Robert Colaco.


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